1. Menghong Eng
2. Meng Heang Chhay
3. Chanpirun Srorn
4. Neardey Srun Kea
5. Chhaylin Tang
Trash is a serious issue in the world nowadays. Trash has negative impact of people and environment. For environment,Trash contaminates soil, pollutes our air and contaminates our water. Whenever waste is sent to landfill, it can leak out toxins that actually get into the soil. This can contaminate the soil around the area of the landfill which can effect surrounding habitats. Plant and animal life may suffer from this exposure to toxic materials and chemicals. Instead of polluting air, another negative impact of waste removal on environment is the creation of air pollution. When trash was burnt so smoke of trash fly into the air. It can make health's people impact when they breath air polluted by trash. Not only does waste removals contribute to air pollutions whatever dangerous chemicals and toxins built up around removal plants, it will run off into nearby water. It will also seep into the soil and affect the quality of the surface water. This can negatively affect aquatic life that lives in nearby streams, rivers and lakes. It can also create issues for those who rely on well water or groundwater to survive. For public health, the more emissions that we produce due to how much trash we generate. Affect us long term one can develop diseases such as cancer,childhood-cancer,infectious diseases and low birth weight.
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Our garbage cleaners need sponsors to provide food to the poor who help us collect garbage or provide money to encourage garbage collection. On the other hand, if we provide enough food for them They are sure that they will be interested in the environment, especially the garbage problem around their living environment. In addition, they are also a factor in promoting the garbage problem in Cambodia. For example, they can volunteer to guide others who do not yet understand the garbage problem. Click here to donate
This scaning code is providing to supporter who wants to support us.Let supporter knows that all the money we take it donate to cleaner.
Here it is , There are some of images of charity opeeration.All the food that we provided to people is caused by our sponsors or our supporter who believes in our project.